Seek The Mind Of God ...

"The Hope That Lies Within Us" starts off with a thrashy, aggressive approach on "Empty". The mid paced riffs complement the gruff vocals and quiet reflections. This is my favourite track here as it reminds me most of "Bow".
"Red" is a bleak mid-pacer with touches of melody and "Killing Years" is a heavy crunch that quickens with thrashy flourishes. "No One" has thrash tendencies with a more aggressive edge that clings to melody.

"Consumer" is a little faster using off-tempo riffing akin to Helmet to create a meaty mid-paced chugger. "Evasion" and "Dead Sky" are both slower mid-paced chuggers that suffer because of the similarities. They are not much different though "Dead Sky" is a little more upbeat.
The album closer "Hurts To Ask" is the speediest track here with a punky vibe.
Although this album is pretty solid, I find the songs are not as memorable as "Bow" and the production is weaker. The guitars are a little thinner and don't pack the same punch. The melodies though nice take a bit of the edge of the aggressive, but I do find Tim's vocals refreshing. He has a great style that works with the music.

Coming up next is one more spirit-filled hardcore band before I move onto other styles.
Stay tuned for Focal Point.
Informative as always:)
Hope you are well:)
Take care
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