Sometimes It Comes With A Shove ...
As with each AVA release I am hooked on it like crack. I can't stop listening to the album. It usually gets a spin once a week. The other 2 albums still get frequent airplay, but "Love" takes precedence.
"Love" takes the AVA sound to a grander more epic arena. It's just as catchy and melodic as the other 2 albums and it's even more uplifting then "I, Empire" was. Simply put, its bright and airy, yet as emotionally poignant and moving as the other 2 releases. "Love" has a spacier feel like U2 meets Pink Floyd as performed by Radiohead, but does not sacrifice accessibility.

"Love" starts with "Et Ducit Mundum Per Luce" which is quiet spacey number that burrows into your brain and "Flight Of Apollo" hooks you in with a biting guitar riff and soaring melodies. "Young London" follows suit with its bouncy pop sensibility and militant beat. A radio friendly hit with a great chorus and uplifting feel. An anthem for young and old alike and a definite crowd pleaser at concerts.
After this 1,2,3 punch it's hard to imagine what the band could do to top the first 15 minutes, but after a killer electronic/drum interlude we get the heartfelt guitar intro for "Shove" and one cannot help but be brought to their knees. The notes cry out with hope and longing that leads the listener to wax poetic on life and love. This is my favourite song on this album.

"Epic Holiday" and "Hallucinations" continue with the stirring assault on your emotions that will leave you tapping your foot and smiling uncontrollably. One cannot help but groove to the fast paced, uplifting rythms. "The Moon-Atomic (...Fragments and Fictions)"and "Clever Love" slow things down in thoughtful reflection, but never get boring. AVA has a strong sense for melodies both fast and slow. The music just sticks with you.
"Love" picks up again with "Soul Survivor" and "Letters To God part 2" (Part 1 is from Box Car Racer's self titled album). These songs grow to an epic level. The soaring soundscapes crescendo unto themselves while continuing to build the granduer of the album as whole. The album closer "Some Origins of Fire" ease's us out like a satisfied sigh.

Angels and Airwaves albums have a similar sound, yet are distinctly different. "Love" feels more focused then the first 2 and takes the music to a grander, more epic level. Perhaps because this album came about whilst the band was working on the movie of the same name and therefore had a stronger focus on theme. I don't know.
What I do know is that I'd pretty much buy anything Tom Delonge has his hands in. The man knows how to write good emotionally stirring music. Whether its pop/punk with Blink 182 or his maturer post punk Box Car Racer or his grandiose vision with Angels and Airwaves. I can't get enough of it. That's not to knock the other members who contribute to each project. Tom has hooked up well with some very talented musicians and songwriters. It's simply because Tom is the constant in all 3 projects.
I CANNOT wait until "Love part 2" comes out.
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