With Valar ! ... valour ....valor ...?
Magic and Wyrmfire is an interesting black/ambient metal album. "Crown of Dirmanesti" is an all ambient instrumental piece, though not horrible, but at 6:25 it is a little boring. The songs have a goth feel to them that I attribute to the keyboards and most songs stick to a gothy/black metal style. "Storm Over Kyrnn" stands out with a bit of a folky polka feel to it. "Rivendell 2001" is an industrial style song (I use "industrial" loosely, but I can't bring myself to call it techno.) This song feels like it could heard at any number of rave-like dance clubs.... ah well ...the album does end with a nice piano heavy instrumental called "At The Silent Shores Towards The Great Unknown". This not a bad album, and the keyboards mixed with some bells gives the music a uniquely steel drum sound that I have not heard in any other black metal albums. This is mostly heard on and is the best track on the album "Wanderlust (The Road Goes Ever On)". I love this song! I think it's the bells (I love the deep bell tolls).
I have 2 more Tolkien based albums I'll be reviewing and will then move on to a variety of other bands and styles and albums. I think I'll just start posting albums as I feel inspired to every couple of days. I'll probably do some other theme posts, but who knows. I didn't realized I owned so many LOTR's based albums. Hmmm.... so if you can summon up the strength to read through a couple more Tolkien inspired works? ....cause up next is another Summoning album "Stronghold".
I'm pretty impressed he didn't impale himself on those..armguards, or whatever they are..
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